Repair The Clear Coat Damage 1

Whenever a new video pops out in which some cool ways to maintain your car are shown, we would like to see every last second of it. Most of us do not want to spend hundreds of dollars at the local mechanic to get our car fixed hence we find the pleasure in fixing the problems on our own. Having clear coat damage on your car is something common, especially on the hood. Hereby, if you have been looking for the best way to repair it, we have the perfect solution for you. It takes several steps and they are thoroughly explained.

Repair The Clear Coat Damage 2

The first thing that you have to do is to wash the dirt form the hood. Then, if you feel that the surface of the hood is a little bit rough, you can take a clay bar and scoop up all of the dirt from there.

After completing this process, you successfully prepared the hood for the polishing. This is where you have to be extremely careful and make sure you do not make any mistake, otherwise you might make even greater damage.

Coat after coat, layer after layer of wax, the clear coat damage is going to disappear and the difference is going to be absolutely spectacular. Since one part of the hood was taped out, we exactly see the big difference.

You can do this to any part of your car not just the hood, or whenever it is necessary. You do not have to repaint the car!

Finally, more methods on keeping it protected, here!