Taking a look at different tutorials is going to help a lot whenever you need to fix something about your car or truck. Even though we have previously come across many such tutorials, it is high time to take a look at one that you are surely going to find many uses for. Namely, this video shows us the simple way that you can use to paint rusty metal on your car. Yes, you do not need to take your car at your local shop to get it fixed, thus meaning that you are going to save couple of hundreds of dollars.
Moreover, you do not even to sand the rust down i.e. all you are going to do is to take a metal brush and slightly remove some of the thicker rust and you are good to go. Simply take the rust converting metal primer that cost about $20 at your local depot and put couple of layers on the rusty metal.
Make sure that you are generous with the paint; hence you want to put a nice thick layer on it. Once it is fully dried out, the formerly white paint is going to turn black in just under an hour. This is going to be an easy fix and an utterly easy tutorial on how to paint rusty metal, thus saving you lots of money.
What do you think; will you ever put this tutorial to use any time soon, if you have a similar problem?