Best Car Ideas Ever 1

Coming up with awesome solutions to common problems that your car faces on a regular basis is something awesome hence you get the chance to do it on your own. The feeling you get once you do something on your own is absolutely priceless, plus you are going to save some cash. Hereby, take a comfortable position and make sure to go through each and every one of the best car ideas put together in one awesome video. You are going to find some incredible solutions to some irritating problems that we all come across.

Best Car Ideas Ever 2

If you are annoyed by the water that is streaming down all over your car windows whenever it is raining, worry no more. We have the perfect solution for you. All you need is couple of common household materials such as a paraffin wax and a white spirit.

Mix them until they are thoroughly combined and simply apply them on the windows from the outside. This is going to form a slippery coat which is going to prevent your windows from being covered in tiny drops of water.

If you are in a doubt whether you should change your tires or not, you can decide it by using this coin trick. Take a coin and put it in the tire tread depth lines. It should not stick out a lot; elsewhere you are going to have to change your tires.

The video is filled with some of the best car ideas that we have ever come across, so make sure to check them out!

Finally, here are more DIY ideas for your car!