Cheapkhana Ken Block Parody Gymkhana 2

Being a celebrity and appearing constantly on social media and on the TV is surely a big thing, but you have to be prepared for all of the drawbacks that you might come across. Hereby, if you are looking for a video that is going to make you laugh, while at the same time mocking an absolute God in the car world, you must take a look at this video. Namely, we are going to take a look at what could possibly be the best Ken Block parody, if it can be said so. Yes, it is time to see something that no one has seen so far.

Cheapkhana Ken Block Parody Gymkhana 1

These four minutes long video is going to make you laugh out loud, and all you are going to have to do is to pay attention to all of the peculiar details that appear throughout the whole video. If you have been a fan of Ken Block for quite awhile now, then you are going to love this one.

This amazing Ken Block parody was made by Nobudget Production and it is called the Cheapkhana, which is in fact parody of Gymkhana. Instead of driving an absolutely powerful and mighty Ford, these guys took their 1994 Ford Fiesta, and as they say no RS, which is able to create just 60 HP and push it to the limit.

There are some slow motion shots that you are going to love. If you want to see more and see the full parody, make sure to check out the video!

Before you go, check out Ken Block’s drift cars in Gymkhana ranked!